Making complex machines easier to operate intuitively
cellumation together with BIBA (Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics) successfully won a bid for an ERDF (European Regional Developement Fund) funded project in December 2020. ERDF stands for the European Regional Development Fund.
The goal of the project is to research and develop a new type, context-aware framework for human-technology interaction that can be used across industries.

This project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Dr. Melvin Isken is Senior Project Manager in cellumation’s Research and Innovation Team. In his department, many new projects are being advanced, including the one presented here.
The project
As part of the KoMILo program, cellumation has received the ERDF project funding, which expires at the end of May 2022. KoMILo ist the german abbreviation for “context-dependent, AI-based interface for multimodal human-technology interaction with technical logistics systems”. The project has a clear goal: to simplify and optimize human interaction with technical systems. This is done by making situation-dependent suggestions at the user interface for carrying out different configuration or control actions.

Our software is designed to make it possible
The software platform is developed modularly and generically to enable universal usability for technical production and logistics systems, as well as easy extensibility and adaptability. Mobile and stationary technical logistics systems are taken into account here. With the help of a digital twin, artificial intelligence and the basic system functionalities, system, process and employee data will be combined and analyzed in such a way that interaction and configuration options can be generated for the employees.
In addition, the user interface is customized for the employees in terms of layout, interaction modality, and assistance functions. Multimodal interaction is made possible through touch and voice input options using conversational Al. The evaluation and demonstration of the framework is carried out using the cellular conveyor system celluveyor and a commercial driverless transport system. In addition, the cross-application applicability of the developed overall system is demonstrated by transferring it to a collaborative robot.
Intelligent machine operation turns people from
supervisors into decision-makers!
To counteract the growing shortage of experts in the IT sector, lower-qualified employees must be empowered to perform tasks that previously required the involvement of experts. This includes, in particular, configuration, changeover and control activities of complex technical systems. Intuitive and intelligent user interfaces enable operational employees to take on increasingly responsible tasks and thus evolve from executing employees to supervisors and decision-makers. This is of high importance in complex technical systems, where the complexity and flexibility, as well as the degrees of freedom and configuration possibilities of logistic conveying systems are increasingly growing.
cellumation in research and innovation
As an innovative IT and production company, cellumation is intensively involved in research and development and regularly applies for research projects. This is how we contribute to the further development of the technical possibilities of industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence.
Results of our project 2022
Until 31.05.22 the results of our project will be published. We will do this together with BIBA.
With support from
Dr. Melvin Isken
Research & Innovation

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