For a modular, flexible and intelligent material flow.

Modular, flexible and intelligent solutions in many fields of application in intralogistics. The celluveyor offers many application possibilities.

Next generation material flow

Complex movements on a very small area

Last Mile Sortation

The first step of the last mile

celluveyor in real operations

The cv.SORTER in use at DHL Greven

Intelligent material flow that unties knots through automated sorting

Innovative material flow for better performance

The celluveyor as a highly flexible conveying and positioning system and will change fundamentally the material flow of intralogistics. Due to the system’s own redundancy, thanks to the use of always the same cells, the functionality of the machine is defined by the software alone. Any number of objects – of any shape and size – can be moved and positioned on freely configurable paths. Our technology is suitable for applications with any degree of complexity, dynamic processes or high multifunctionality.

Advantages in the use of a celluveyor

Automated layout recognition

Thanks to their modular design, celluveyor systems can be expanded as required and are particularly robust. True to the motto: A single cell does not move a product, many cells can move houses. Of course, the cells are protected against dust and splash water (IP54).

Automated object recognition

A vision system monitors what is happening on the celluveyor. As the eye of the celluveyor, it generates the necessary information for complex movements on the smallest of surfaces.

Automated error detection

If a package is on an errant path, the system automatically updates the movement path and brings the package to the correct exit.

What has six corners, three omnidirectional wheels and allows complex movements in the smallest space?




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28357 Bremen

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This project has received fundings from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 954282.

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