Overcoming the shortage of skilled workers in logistics through efficient logistics automation

The evolution of online commerce has presented groundbreaking challenges to the logistics industry. 

Managing rising demand through automation

With a global increase in demand for goods, logistics companies face the challenge of ensuring smooth deliveries. In Central Europe in particular, this problem is intensifying due to demographic change and an aging society. This is leading to a growing shortage of skilled workers, which requires a comprehensive solution. 

But how to reconcile the dwindling resource of skilled workers and the continuous increase in orders? The answer lies in the strategic implementation of automation solutions that not only save manpower, but also increase productivity. This is where cellumation’s pioneering modular celluveyor technology comes in. This innovation offers a sustainable solution to the worsening dilemma between increasing demand and decreasing skilled labor. It is based on intelligent conveyor technology that effectively replaces manual work processes at crucial interfaces. Two crucial components of celluveyor technology play a prominent role here. 

The innovation against the shortage of skilled workers in intralogistics 

The basis for this is intelligent conveyor technology, which effectively replaces manual work processes at crucial interfaces. Two crucial components of celluveyor technology play a prominent role here. 

The celluveyor technology uses a powerful combination of hardware and software to enable seamless automation. The powerful learning software acts as the “brain behind the operation”, taking over the role of the human eye in operations. This software excels in adaptability and versatility, allowing it to quickly respond to customized problems such as rotation, sorting, and curve and corner transfer. 

The cells of the celluveyor form the “hands” of the system and can be flexibly combined to meet individual requirements. These cells impress with their robustness and redundancy, which minimizes costly downtime. Should a cell nevertheless fail, neighboring units immediately take over its tasks to prevent bottlenecks and delays. 

Remote maintenance enables monitoring and troubleshooting of all processes. This ensures smooth functionality and contributes to efficient control. 

Manuelle Prozesse

The cv.INDUCT is able to feed objects to a second material flow in the correct timing, speed and orientation.

Is humanity in logistics at risk? 

Quite the opposite. Logistics automation, especially through innovative technologies such as the celluveyor, relieves humans of repetitive tasks and allows them to focus on demanding and creative activities.

This automation movement will be indispensable in the future, as conventional methods and manual processes are no longer sufficient to keep up with the ever-growing demand.

Nico Loibersbeck

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